Undergraduate Programs
Students who are interested in studying in Thailand and seek opportunities for the best international education can choose to study one of the 8 international programs in engineering, technology, and business at SIIT.

Undergraduate Programs :
Chemical Engineering
This program focuses on the study of the chemical and physical processes used to transform raw materials to develop and make products to improve human life.
Civil Engineering
This program involves the study of the analysis, design, construction and maintenance of built environments, such as buildings, roads, bridges and airports, to answer society's needs.
Electrical Engineering
This program covers the fundamental principles and analysis of signals, electric circuits, electronics, digital circuits, and control systems, with possible specializations in communication engineering or power engineering in the later years of study.
Industrial Engineering and Smart Logistics
This program teaches students how to organize a team to generate creative ideas
using various engineering and management principles to improve the efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness of the organization and its supply chain.
Mechanical Engineering
This program involves the study of systems in motion and energy conversion. As such, it touches virtually on every modern industry, including the human body and highly complex machines.
Computer Engineering
In this program, students will learn how computers work, how to improve them, and how to efficiently solve real-world problems covering both the hardware and software aspects of a computer system.
Digital Engineering
This program is designed to prepare students for rapid changes in digital technology and its applications. It emphasizes the area of application software development based on new trends and data science.
Business and Supply Chain Analytics
This program focuses on the application of technology and business management for making informed decisions in the business and supply chain domain. It emphasizes data science techniques such as data visualization, AI, and machine learning, which are essential in today's business world

How to Apply


Qualifications of Applicants for Undergraduate Admission

Undergraduate Curriculum

Semester 2 Academic Year 2025

Inter Program – Admission 1
April 17, 2025
– May 7, 2025

TCAS Round 3 (Admission)
May 6, 2025
– May 12, 2025

Inter Program – Admission 2
May 27, 2025
– June 2, 2025